Monday, January 24, 2011

A new chapter so to speak...

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Okay, not a really old dog - but sometimes you feel like  you need to learn or try something new - and for me in 2011, it is going to be 'blogging'!

Megan started a blog for her book reviews, and during the holidays this year, I racked my brain to think of something I could blog about. No one wants to hear about my day-to-day life at work, or my never-ending task list at home. And really, there are many great scrapbookers out there with blogs I love, so what could I do?

Then it struck me - we are planning a trip - and in the years to come, we plan to travel even more. So what about a blog detailing the 'places we go - near and far'!

And so it begins - we are heading to Grenada this year - and what a place to provide a beginning for my blog! Everything from food to music, culture, sunsets, how to's and more - hopefully you will find it interesting and maybe even inspire some travel for you. And of course, I may occassionaly have a guest blogger - it is only fair that my partner in travel, and in life, can give another point of view - occassionally!


1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you've joined the wonderful world of blogging! I hope you will be posting occassionally while you're away so we can all keep up with what you're doing over there. :)
