Saturday, February 21, 2015

It's been a busy week! Catching Up! Day 1 - February 13 2015

Hard to believe this time last week we had arrived in Grenada and were on our way to Carriacou via the Osprey Ferry.

It is always a long trip - first across to Toronto with WestJet and then to Grenada with Caribbean Airlines - but stepping off the plane to sunshine and warm weather was worth it!

Caribbean Airlines sure knows how to make passengers feel welcome! From complimentary luggage check in to headsets and blankets - they offer it all - including an in-flight meal or snack depending on what flight you take.

We took the red eye - and even then, they offered a 'snack' consisting of a Jerk Turkey Sandwich, chips, cookies and beverages - including a delicious rum punch!


We did manage to get a bit of sleep - but not much - and were happy to get through customs and pick up our bags before heading off to Woburn Villas which would be our home base for the next few weeks.

Our host Yvonne had picked up a few groceries so after a bit of breakfast, showers and bit of shut eye -  Yvonne dropped us off at Spiceland Mall and we enjoyed some window shopping before heading out to Grand Anse Beach and some 'lime time'.

It was an early night - we were not quite on Grenada time yet and still had a bit of repacking to do but we did have time to enjoy dinner at Umbrellas - still has good food and a fun beach vibe. Best of all - we didn't have to cook! Then off to bed so we could be up early to take the ferry to Carriacou - and Carnival!

I took lots of pictures and had great intentions of blogging every night on this trip - but the fresh air and fun meant I was pretty tired - and no blogging until now. But will try to get caught up this weekend - don't want to forget a minute of this trip!

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