Sunday, February 20, 2011

Heading up Island:)

It wasn't supposed to be a great beach day - so we decided to head up the east side of the island and check out some potential beaches for the next hot day.

We started in Woburn and headed east to Westerhall, then to Corinth and then La Sagesse Estate, where there are ruins of a sugar mill and across the road, a beach.

Sugar Mill Ruins at LaSagesse Estate

From the ruins, we headed across the road to the La Sagesse Nature Centre and Beach. There is an eco-resort there, and looks like an interesting place to vacation. We talked to a fellow from New Hampshire who has stayed there 5 times! He likes to fish and enjoys catching the smaller fish off the beach.

At La Sagesse, there were two young men selling 'waternuts' which are actually coconut, so we brought one to share between three - Stanley had come along for the ride and was looking a bit thirsty!

From La Sagesse, we headed north to St.David's, where we will be going to again on the 27th for a St.David's Day Festival - lots of cultural stuff to take in that day:) Through St.David's, we took a coastal route and took some side roads (thank goodness for the 4wd Jeep! Too rough for Ken's Jeepie though lol)

The first beach we found was Belle Isle Beach at Petit Trou Point. It was very nice - but being on the Atlantic side, it was a bit rough for swimming when we were there - we might try another day.

Then we checked out La Tante Beach by Pomme Rose - the beach itself wasn't too sandy and it was quite rough in spots. While we were checking out the beach we saw a wind turbine, and Barry being the curious type, we took a dirt road and found that the turbine belongs to a deserted resort - Paradise Beach Resort and Spa.  Everything is still there - the outdoor tables, cottages, main builidng - it is basically a ghost town. Even the generators and some mopeds were left behind.

From here we headed back down island, and went to Morne Rouge Beack to walk on the beach and watch the sunset. We also had dinner at the snackette - and I have added another food to my list of favorites - Vegi Roti. A West Indian dish, rotis are like a wrap/tortilla, and you put two together with a spiced dal blend, before wrapping it around curried vegies - it was delish!!

And now - time to go to bed - need to rest up for another day of the stressful job of checking out beaches! As you can tell from the photo below, it is a tough job having to watch the sunset while enjoying a good meal!

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